As you all know or can gather from my blog, facebook page and Instagram I love everything Vintage! You can get a vintage look in your home without spending a fortune on antique vintage goods. I started to pick things up at craft fairs, some items at vintage stores, Home Sense, TKmaxx and even Primark! It doesn’t matter on the shop as long as it’s the right item for your home. Items that have really helped create a vintage look in my home have been reproduction vintage tin and wooden signs, fabric prints, paintings and ornaments.
This blog will be about my recent Haul at Home Sense! They sell some fantastic homewares at a discounted prices. I got some items for my kitchen, hall and bedroom.
Some Replica tin signs, tin retro kitchen storage, books and ornament.
Home Sense had some Fab items and remember it is all designer goods at discount prices. The Great British Bake off Tine was £8 and i got it for £4.99. I have already baked a Ginger cake in it and it was fab! The Tin had a clasp at side to remove the side of the tin which is so handy to remove the cake in the coolling process. The LEON books were on sale at £2.99 each! Such a bargin in the clearance section! ( i love a bargin!! )
Womans Weekly Retro Favourites Book was was again another bargin at £4.99 in the clearance section. A fab book about old and new reciepies.
Amazing Vintage Style tin storage solutions. Amazing items in with a vintage vibe
Replica Tin Sign ... £7 cute pastal colours to match the other kitchen items.
One of my favourite finds a ceramic Owl £5.00 so cute to go with my exsisting owl collections.
Replicia Tin sign for the bedroom to go above the vintage tuntable
I hope this has given you some ideas for your home . I will get some more pictures of these items in use and some photos of around my house in my next vintage style blog
Thanks for reading
Purple Poodle xx